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Where do you come from? Where will you go?

Diana Peters

As I approach the end of the MAET program it's exciting to think about how much I have grown and learned in the past year and a half.  This master's program was so different than so many of my colleague's programs, in that every class I took was so practical towards my teaching/professional career:  Every lesson I planned applied to me.  Every paper I wrote was developing my thinking to become a better at pulling technology into my everyday classroom.  Every website I explored helped me learn to repurpose tools and create more learning opportunities for my students.  I can proudly say this master's program has meant more to me than a piece of paper saying I have graduated.  However just because this program is finished does not mean that my life as a learner has. My professional goals are to become a technology resource/leader in my career,  actively participate with an online community of teachers for resources, and to practice what I preach in the classroom.


My number one goal would be to become a technology resource/leader in my school.  I currently work in a school that is fresh into a 1:1 initiative in the junior high and high school.  All 340 students in the 2013 school year recieved their own iPad to use inside and outside of school. 


 The students are excited and eager to learn with these devices and for the most part our teachers are as well.  We are blessed as a school to have the financial ability to provide this opportunity for our students, but these are simply a tool.  My dream job would be to have the opportunity to help the teachers at my school become more proficient at using technology to enhance the lesson.  












My second goal is to become an active member in online resources.  This works congruently with my first goal in that I want other teachers to see what I share.  This is a huge goal, but I am really hoping to only create something my school can use.  This may develop into more, but at the minimum I want the teachers at my school to learn about different tools or see link to sites I have found that may help them.  This could include work with the common core, new apps, or different tools that could work for a project a teacher is looking to teach.  I want to share information both for the students and for teachers to grow within the profession. While creating this online data base I want to create a section for teachers to share their personal successes and challenges with the tool.  I want to make it an open atmosphere where all people feel comfortable sharing and learning from one another.  In a school my size it is important that every one has the same goal of students growing into productive members of the 21st century; and it is our job to get them where they need to be. 


Finally, my last goal for myself is to practice what I preach.  Working with my students every day gives me a great opportunity to constantly learn from them as well as teach new ideas.  I am lucky to have such a flexible curriculum in my media arts class that allows me to try a variety of tools to help my students become more creative and innovative.  It is a place where I can teach my students about becoming responsible digital citizens and how to problem solve with the resources avaliable to them.  I want to promise myself I will never become complacent and settle.  In order for my other goals to be a success I must practice and use myself as a guinea pig.  Explore tools and try them out to see if they are successful.


As everything looks good on paper, for it's not until we try it that we learn how it really works. 


As for my immediate future I will continue teaching and being supportive of my fellow teachers.  It's a current priority of mine and as I have said I goal for my future. I no longer fear to share my ideas and I am confident that I can help other teachers grow professionally. In my long term future I want to be a technology leader that teachers teachers how to become more open-minded to change and embrace the technology around us.  I want to share my personal and researched findings of how to repurpose tools and teach students in new and innovative ways. This goal would be either to stay within a school district or work independently as an educational resource. I feel that this program has allowed me to have a solid foundation of how not to fear change; technologies will change, but learning should never stop.


This idea of integrating technology with the knowledge and pedigogy a teacher has, is the perfect blend of the Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) model.  This is the core of my program and is something I truly believe will make the most successful learning experience (especially in a school where every child has a device to use).  Not every lesson has to be based around an iPad (or any device per se) but I want to help teacher pull in or repourpse tools to make their lessons more engaging.  Using these technologies is a perfect way for students to express creativity and become more independent thinkers.  These "21st century skills" are essential for preparing students for an unknown future. 

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